Our Goals & Directions

Striving to Create a Harmonious, Sustainable World for All

Our mission is to be a place for an authentic human connection and integrative personal development, where people can improve themselves and better appreciate others. We seek to achieve this mission by offering an environment and experiences for holistic wellness, transformational leadership and greener hospitality. By meeting this goal, we intend to have a positive impact on the entire industry beyond its location and the neighboring communities to create a harmonious, sustainable world for all.

Human Connection

We understand what makes our community and planet truly sustainable is not just more resources, new technologies or policies. It’s how much we care. This is the founding spirit for our retreat from the beginning, which infuses all services, amenities and experiences offered on the premises. When we care, we feel connected with ourselves, others and everything around us. This will let us treat other lives and our environment differently. With this level of consideration, we’re offering programs and activities, which will help people learn how to open their minds and hearts, bringing out the best from within to work and play well with other people.

Greener Hospitality

In order to move forward towards our goal of sustainable hospitality, we have introduced a zero-waste program which includes a composting system for all kitchen and dining operations. This compost will be used to develop an organic herb garden and food forest, which will not only serve dining services but also act as an outdoor meditation site and nature study area for groups. Starting from 2021, we are converting our existing nine-hole golf course into a park for picnicking, nature walks, perennial herb and flower gardens, and outdoor games. Our commitment to sustainable hospitality will continue to grow with the implementation of facility-wide net-zero renewable energy programs and restoration of natural habitats in designated areas.

Youth Leadership Initiative

Sustainability is inherently intergenerational, and therefore, youth development is imperative in our plan and action for sustainable development. For this purpose, we offer environments and opportunities to help younger generation develop their strengths, attain practical knowledge and skills while inheriting the wisdom and care for their local and global community. Our efforts include workshops, retreats, internship programs and community projects. To expand the impact, Honor’s Haven works with other businesses and organizations including Earth Citizens Organization and TurnKi sustainability that have expertise in leadership education and sustainable solutions.